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which rarely lost a battle, beating the Seljuqs at Antioch in 1211, the Latin Empire at Poimanenon in 1224 and the
Achaian Franks at Pelagonia in 1259. Originally based only on the Anatolian provinces, it regained Thrace in 1235,
Macedonia and Thessaloniki in 1246. The Varangians were now purely palace guards and no longer went to war, but the
Vardariotai guards originally recruited from Magyar settlers in the Vardar valley did still take the field. The
Latinikon were Frankish knights, now mainly recruited from Constantinople, the Latin Emperor being poor and
Byzantine pay generous. We class them as regular since they requested permission to charge. Tourkopouloi were
Christianised Turks. The Skythikon had originally been recruited from Pechenegs, but were now usually Cumans. They
were not used in a single body, but as detachments scattered through the army. They were supplemented from 1242 by a
mass settlement of Cuman refugees fleeing from the Mongols. These were given lands in exchange for military
service, but on one occasion deserted to the enemy on the field of battle, so are classed as allies. Cuman allies are
compulsory after 1242 AD. Native cavalry were now mostly reservists called stratiotai holding individual pronoiai,
grants not of land but of its rents. They were thus neither localised soldier-farmers as in the old Thematic forces, nor
feudal lords, but soldiers who collected their own pay and were called up by the central authorities for service
anywhere in the empire. They were still armoured lancers, but had reverted to the skirmishing tactics of earlier days.
Until the accession of Theodoros II Laskaris they served only in Anatolia. Their quality was variable, those of the
Paphlagonian theme for example being considered good and those of Macedonia bad. The illustrations in the Skylitzes
manuscript of around the start of this period shows several bodies of lancers who lack armour. Infantry were now
predominantly archers from the Anatolian themes. Peltastai are no longer mentioned, but some archers are depicted
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with spears and small shields. Camp servants were used to attack the unwalled town of Serres in 1246, and so are
shown separately rather than included in the baggage. Byzantine warships were now lighter and no longer mentioned
using Greek Fire. The minimum marked * applies only if the C-in-C is the Emperor, that marked f&* only if after 1254.
32. ROMANIAN FRANK 1204 AD-1311 AD
Warm. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), O, V, RGo, Rd, BUA.
C-in-C - Irr Kn (S) @ 22AP 1
Sub-general - as above 1-2
Feudal knights and esquires - Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 9-18
Military order brother knights and sergeants - Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP 0-2
Greek archontes - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-6
Frankish spearmen - Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP 0-6
Frankish crossbowmen - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-8
Frankish or Melingoi archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-8
Melingoi javelinmen - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP *8-10
Greek archers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP * 12-32
Venetian allies:
Venetian ally general - Reg Kn (O) @ 22AP *1
Venetian knights - Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 0-1
Venetian crossbowmen - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP *l-4
Venetian bellatores - Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP 0-2
Venetian galleys - Reg Gal (F) @ 2AP [Bw, Ax] 0-3
Only Latin Empire from 1211 AD to 1214 AD:
Byzantine prisoners - Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP 0-6
Seljuq allies - List: Seljuq Turk (Bk 3)
Trapezuntine allies - List: Trapezuntine Byzantine (Bk 4) 0-13
Only Achaia from 1212 AD to 1213 AD and in 1259 AD:
Epirot allies - List: Epirot Byzantine (Bk 4)
Only Latin Empire from 1239 AD to 1261 AD:
Cuman allies - List: Cuman (Kipchak) (Bk 3) . 0-14
Only Achaia in 1259 AD and in 1304 AD:
Thessalian allies - List: Epirot Byzantine (Bk 4)
Only Achaia in 1264 AD:
Turkish allies - List: Seljuk Turk (Bk 3)
Only Achaia after 1264AD:
Turkish or Bulgar horse archers - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 0-3
Only Achaia from 1272 AD to 1282 AD:
Sicilian German mercenaries - double based Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP if front element, 8AP if rear 0 or 2
Sicilian Saracen archers - Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-6
Only Achaia in 1310 AD:
Catalan Company allies - List: Catalan Company (Bk 4)
This list covers the armies of the Latin Empire and Frankish Greece from the capture of Constantinople until the fatal
battle of Kephissos. Thessalonika and Anatolia were lost in 1224, leaving only Constantinople and its surroundings as a
rump of the Latin Empire until it fell in 1261. Southern Greece alone then remained under Frankish control, fighting off
Byzantine attacks but finally succumbing to its own unpaid Catalan mercenaries. Those wishing a painless
introduction to these unlikely and romantic crusader states should read Alfred Duggan's historical novel "Lord
Geoffrey's Fancy". The feudal knighthood of Achaia was considered by early 14th century contemporaries to be the best
anywhere. Archontes were former Byzantine pronoia holders, regarded by the Franks as feudal gentry. Greeks willingly
served their Frankish overlords whose exactions may have been milder than those of Byzantine tax gatherers; religious ties
with the Byzantines failed to withstand the Byzantine use of rapacious infidel Turks. Melingoi were Slav hillmen. Minima
marked " apply only if more than 4 elements of that nationality are used. Thessalian allies in 1259 must be commanded
by an irregular general. Those of 1304 must include Bulgar LH (S). The Catalan Grand Company had a collective
leadership when employed by the Romanian Franks, so a Catalan general element should depict a furiously debating
committee, rather than the great man, bodyguards and aides!
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33. EPIROT BYZANTINE 1204 AD - 1340 AD
Warm. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, E, RGo, Rd, BUA.
C-in-C - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP 1
Sub-general - Reg Cv (O) @ 28AP 1-2
Frankish mercenaries - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-10
Byzantine cavalry - up to half Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP, remainder Reg Cv (I) @ 6AP 8-12
Byzantine archers - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP or Reg Bw (I) @ 4AP 8-24
Byzantine or mercenary spearmen - Reg Sp (I) @ 4AP 0-8
Vlach cavalry - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 4-12
Albanian or Vlach foot - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP or Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP 16-32
Only before 1230 AD or Despotate of Epiros:
Albanian cavalry - Irr LH (O) @ 5AP 0-8
Only from 1207 AD to 1215 AD:
Bulgarian allies - List: Later Bulgar (Bk 4) 0-12
Only if Thessalian from 1230 AD to 1318 AD:
Downgrade C-in-C or sub-general to Vlach Irr LH (S) @ 17AP Any
Bulgar horse archers - Irr LH (S) @ 7AP 0-6
Only Despotate of Epiros in 1259 AD:
German mercenaries - double based Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP if front element, 8AP if rear 2
Thessalian allies - List: Epirot Byzantine (Bk 4)
Only Despotate of Epiros in 1259 AD and in 1292 AD:
Achaian Frank allies - List: Romanian Frank (Bk 4)
Only Despotate of Epiros from 1276 AD to 1291 AD:
Angevin allies - List: Sicilian (Bk 4)
Only Despotate of Epiros from 1309 AD to 1310 AD:
Byzantine allies - List: Palaiologan Byzantine (Bk 4)
Only Despotate of Epiros after 1318 AD:
Upgrade C-in-C to Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 1
Upgrade Frankish mercenaries to Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP . Any
The conquest of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade and the founding of the Latin Empire split the remaining
possessions of the Byzantines into two large states, Nikaia and Epiros, and some smaller states. This list covers the
Despotates of Epiros, Thessaloniki and Thessaly. The Despotate of Epiros was organised from Byzantine remnants in
Albania and western Greece by Mikhail I Doukas. In 1207 he took advantage of a period of disorder in Bulgaria to
start a series of ultimately unsuccessful attacks on the new Latin kingdom of Thessaloniki with the aid of independent
Bulgarian princes. His brother and successor Theodoros Doukas destroyed the Latin kingdom in 1224, acquiring
Thessaloniki, Thessaly, Thrace and most of Macedonia, and proclaimed the Empire of Thessaloniki. He was preparing to
recover Constantinople when he was defeated and captured by the Bulgarians at Klokotnitza in 1230. Thrace and
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