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Page No 91
He leaned over, running a battle callused finger across her collarbone, just
her left breast, then down her tummy bef ore speaking.  I have never lain
with a virgin
before, and strove to take you with as much care as I could muster. I am
deeply sorry if I
caused you undo discomfort with my clumsy actions. I promise that you will
no more pain only unrelenting pleasure from this moment forward. He brought
his right
thigh over hers, cupped the back of her head, and began making love to her
lush lips over
and over until both of them panted for more. He paused to study her closely.
Her eyes
were dream-dazed, her pulse fluttering rapidly, and her cheeks flushed with
desire. She
wanted him again but after the pain of her initiation& and to give her a sample
of her own
medicine, he decided to withhold his attentions. They would not make love
that night but
neither would he be parted from her. And in the morning, after a leisurely
 Not tonight, however, for you will be sore from the tear of your hymen
previously unused muscles and I find tha t I am quite sated and content to
sleep. A
boldfaced lie, of course. He rose and vanished into the clean room only to
emer ge a
moment later with a cloth which he used to wipe gently between her legs after
sprea ding
them wide and looking his fill. He threw the damp scrap onto the nightstand
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and slid in
beside her, informing,  From now on I will share your mat , so as to accustom
you to my
touch and presence.
 Wait, she ordered looking disgruntled and slightly o ffended.  I did not
you permission to enter my chambers, or take my virginity, or share my mat.
Until I do I
suggest that you return to your own.
Sherem hid his amusement behind a mask of innocent confusion . The haughty,
cool expression firmly affixed made her look like a regal q ueen addressing a
serf. No
longer fooled by her demeanor, he nodded and rose.
 As you wish, P rincess, he said magnanimously, slipping into his trous ers
boots, then donning his shirt.  I only thought that since we are so
comfortable, it seems a
shame to move elsewhere.
 I am sure you will be as comfortable in your own chambers as you obviously
in mine, she encouraged, a satisfied glint shining within her amber depths,
believing she
had won.
 Only you can release the privacy lock to let me exit, he advised ,
resigned. It would not do to let her know he could over -ride any panel
command; he
might need it later to bring her into line.
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Lil Gibson
 Panel, over-ride privacy command and open. The panel silently complied.
Sherem bent low over Nadia, she believed for a good night kiss. Then he
her naked form up, coverings and all and made for the exit. Nadia yelped and
sputte red,
speechless for a moment then shrieked,  What do you think you are doing, I
told you to
go. She squirmed in an effort to free herself& and Sherem fought the urge to
laugh. He
had not felt so amused in cycles.
 I am only complying wit h your wishes. I think you are right, I believe we
wi ll
be more comfortable on my mat. It is larger and will facilitate freer lust
Sherem strode briskly down the corridor, holding Nadia high on his chest as if
weighed no more than a f eather, grinning despite& or because of her protests.
 If you
wish to keep Dakar and Tula from observing your sta te of undress, I d suggest
you keep
quiet. If on the other hand you want to announce your new status as my mate
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then feel
free to resume your happy tirade. She drew a fist back to plant a well
-deserved punch
when he softly advised,  Put that arm around my neck right now, or I will
drop you and
take the comforter with me.
Nadia froze. They were passing Dakar s rooms but Tula s was at the other end
the ship.  You believe Tula is with Dakar?
Sherem shrugged.  They were together when I left to come t o your chambers.
have a feeling they remain so.
The implication was clear. Nadia felt happy for her friend but wondered at
Sherem s blasé comment.  This doesn t bother you? She lifted her head to
study his
expression. A smile flitted across his mouth.
 No, misulu, I have the female I want and desire no other. I am beginning
believe that perhaps my brother and Tula deserve one another. Oomph. Watch
elbow, sweet one.
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Chapter Twelve
Sherem ducked into a private lift Nadia had never before noticed.  Take
Sherem murmured and Nadia felt them ascend rapidly at a blur but before she
could lose
her evening meal, they came to a stop. The panel opened to reveal a huge
overflowing in lush accoutrements and Nadia gasped her amaze ment. She
squirmed and
this time Sherem released her, allowing her to explore. She kept the
comforter securely
in place, covering her from neck to toes.
Nadia s chambers included two ro oms for sleeping and hygiene . They were a
cross between function and comfort with a few items of luxury like the
cut-jeweled lamps
on either side of her vanity and a cozy fireplace, both superfluous with no
real purpose,
but for the aesthetic pleasure it gave the occupant.
Sherem s chambers, however, were opulent, even by Gattonian standards. He
a living area with lounges and chairs of the same material as his over tunics,
pants and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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