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Looking down, Preston realized his jeans and underwear hung around
his hips in tatters. His cock was hard, thick, and bobbed with each
powerful forward thrust of his mate.
Just as Dylan climaxed, he wrapped one arm around Preston s
waist and the other across his chest, lifting him up and slamming him
violently down onto his monstrous cock. Preston watched himself
climax. He jetted strings of thick cream out his prick while Dylan did
the same inside him.
Together they roared with completion and then clung to one
another, waiting for the violence to pass and their human souls to
reclaim their beastly flesh.
In that timeless moment between man and beast, Preston
connected to the nexus collective. They had accomplished something
that had happened only once before. A trial had been set, and they had
pushed through with one all-consuming goal. To be together. Not just
for a few stolen moments. Not just for the length of a human lifetime.
But to be together for all time.
 My sweet, beautiful Preston. Dylan s lips brushed against
Preston s ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
 My passionate, powerful, and most daring Dylan. Preston
turned his head and their lips connected.
 Who put you in the well?
 Elias and the other betas. Preston looked down into the black
pit. He shivered.
 I will kill him.
 Please, my mate, I beg you to let him live.
Daring Alpha 123
Dylan drew a deep breath and wrapped his arms more fully
around Preston to shield him from the cold.  Why would you wish for
any of the wolves to live after what they ve done to you?
 Because they are like us.
 How so?
 Blending both man and beast is tricky, is it not, my mate?
Dylan didn t answer.
 Elias was trying to protect his mate. As cruel as what he did
seems, and as cruel as what Grayson actually sanctioned was, they
simply wanted to survive.
 At the expense of your life. Dylan hugged him harder, and his
human heart showed by his actions.
 What good does revenge do us now? Preston held onto him.
There was a moment of stillness.
 Revenge satisfies that beast inside, but what does that teach those
who committed the wrong? The damage is done. The better lesson is
 Your human side is clearly smarter than mine.
 I think your human heart is more compassionate than mine.
Preston saw fully what happened in the back of the car, the very one
waiting at the compound gate, and he felt no anger at all. Dylan had
been bound and determined to help a man in trouble.  You owed Cory
nothing. But you vowed to help him anyway. And as much as you
wish to see his stepfather punished, you wished more to simply end
Cory s torment.
Dylan squeezed Preston tight and by so doing hugged him and
kept his cock buried within his clutching heat.  I don t want to
separate from you yet.
 I understand. Preston didn t tighten himself around his mate s
prick. Doing so would push him out, so he stayed relaxed, holding
him within. Their joining was much more than symbolic.
 Cory could have taken the drugs in your pocket, left a detailed
note, but would that have been a fitting revenge?
124 Anitra Lynn McLeod
 No. He d be dead.
 Moreover, there would be no guarantee his stepfather would be
punished for his crime. With the lone accuser dead, the case would
probably die, too.
 Sadly, mon petit, that s true.
Preston thrilled inside to have his mate call him by that sweet
name.  But now he s safe with Phillip, and a police officer is
investigating. There will be reports. There is a chance that his
stepfather will be punished. But more importantly, Cory will live and
hopefully go on to do something good in the world. Don t you see
how that s better than simple revenge?
From the silence, Preston knew Dylan considered what he d said.
Very softly, Dylan asked,  How did you get so smart?
 I had many good teachers. Preston kissed Dylan s arm.  My
father was a harsh man, but in his own way, he taught me a lot. And
even though you won t like this, so did Grayson.
Dylan s grip tightened, which pulled him out of Preston s now-
tender bottom.  Damn.
 You see what anger does?
Dylan laughed.  Did I hurt you?
 No. Rough, animal, and base. You claimed me again. And this
time, there is no going back for us.
 What do you mean? I thought we were bonded and twinned last
 We were. But now, our beasts are mated as well. Preston turned
and peered up into Dylan s eyes.
A curious beeping intruded on their moment. It was Dylan s
phone in Preston s pocket. When he withdrew the cell, he discovered
a call from the driver. Dylan told him to continue to wait and he
would be there shortly.
 There s a message, too. Preston clicked, and he heard Dylan s
 I don t know if you can hear this, but I m coming for you. I
Daring Alpha 125
heard your cry, and I m on my way to you as fast as I am able to go.
His voice hitched, and he let out a long, slow breath.  I never said the
words because I thought it was too soon, and now I hope to God that
I m not too late. I love you, Preston. I love you so much my heart
feels bigger when I think of you. Because of you, I have a new skill
that s allowed me to recognize and help a soul in torment. I m
honored that some power in the universe thinks this is something I d
be good at. But most of all, I m honored you picked me. Please help
me find you when I get to Lone Pine because I m not going to stop

The message ended, and Preston turned off the phone.
 I meant every word, Dylan said.  I love you.
 I love you, too. Preston leaned up and kissed him.  We have
choices to make, but for now, for tonight, we have earned the right to
some peace.
 Have we?
 We need to go. I need to tell my brother 
 Your packmates? Dylan asked.
 No, my real brother.
 I m sorry, I didn t know you had a brother.
 Danny Jones is my brother.
Dylan s eyes went wide, and his mouth fell open.
 No, Danny doesn t know. I d rather he didn t, but I think he s
going to have to know. There is a lot we have to tell our brothers. But
not now. Not tonight. Not when we ve earned the right to be
With his clothing ripped up and hanging off him by a thread,
Preston walked with his head held high toward Phillip s car.
Following beside him in his tattered clothing, Dylan asked,  Just
where the hell are we going?
126 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Chapter 15
 This is just about the last place I thought we d end up. Dylan lit
the hurricane lamp, and rather than leaving it in the window as a
beacon to others, he pulled it away so he could use the light to help
him start a fire in the wood-burning stove.
 You know what you re doing there? Preston was wearing only
Dylan s letterman jacket. With his hands buried in the pockets, he had
pulled the edge up considerably. The fact that he was barely covering
his cock and enticing bottom only distracted Dylan more. Preston had
long, slender legs that were right at the border between fragile and
 Damn distracting is what you are. Dylan reached out and briefly
palmed a handful of Preston s butt before Preston moved out of his
reach. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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